The NAISDA Foundation Trust was established and launched in 2013 as an independent body to raise funds for NAISDA Dance College. The NAISDA Foundation Trust works closely with NAISDA Dance College to support projects and activities which specifically aim to:
- Nourish future artists, expand technique and practice with a sense of culture, innovation, justice and humanity
- Empower Indigenous communities through performative expressions of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures
- Facilitate understanding and develop international Indigenous arts perspectives
The NAISDA Foundation Board Directors are:
- Shane Simpson AM – Chair
- Heather Brown – Director
- Douglas Nicol – Director
- Mayrah Sonter – Director
- Kim Walker – Director
“I’m deeply touched by the great work and high standards that NAISDA upholds and am honoured to be the Patron of the NAISDA Foundation.”
– Professor, The Honourable Dame Marie Bashir AD CVO

For further information please email or call (02) 4340 3154.
The NAISDA Foundation Trust ABN 87 262 598 257.
The NAISDA Foundation Trust is registered as a charity and endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR). It is a public ancillary fund covered by item 2 of the table in Section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth).