NAISDA Mission

(Prepared by the NAISDA Board of Studies)


To challenge our Developing Artists to learn, create, aspire, so as to be the artists and cultural leaders for tomorrow.


Include a commitment to:

  • The provision of a learning environment that culturally affirms, supports and contributes to the artistic, intellectual and performance skills of our Developing Artists; and
  • Explore, facilitate and grow Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s sense of identity through dance and culture in a running, challenging and inspiring educational environment.
  • Key messages:

  • Nourish our future artists, expanding their technique and practice with a greater sense of culture, innovation, justice and humanity.
  • Grow creative, informed and reflective practice in an environment of listening, collaboration and respect.
  • Partner with Indigenous communities, empowering them through performative expressions of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.
  • Partner with international arts, educational and Indigenous organisations to facilitate understanding and to grow international Indigenous arts perspectives.