NAISDA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Protocol
NAISDA supports the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to own, control and maintain their cultural heritage (Article 31 of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People).
This Protocol sets out the principles that guide all aspects of NAISDA’s work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, cultures and communities.
NAISDA respects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander customs and cultural protocols and upholds the importance of kinship and cultural knowledge by fostering a philosophy of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander inclusion throughout the organisation. NAISDA respects the right of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities to keep their culture secret and confidential, and will respect cultural protocols or restrictions that may apply under customary laws. NAISDA uses its best efforts to follow any cultural mourning practices that may apply.
Integrity and relationships
NAISDA collaborates with people and communities in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural, arts and education sector in relation to how their culture, history, material and customs are used or represented. NAISDA continues its commitment to building and sustaining strong relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
NAISDA values and respects its relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, that have been seeded and flourished since NAISDA’s inception. The cultural authority and contribution these communities have made to the ongoing evolution of NAISDA remain the nourishing spirit of the courses delivered at NAISDA.
Consultation and Consent
NAISDA recognises its responsibility in acknowledgement of and contribution to the maintenance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage and cultural rights. NAISDA develops songs, dances and materials, in a culturally appropriate manner and in consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. NAISDA only use traditional knowledge and cultural expressions with the full permission of the relevant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and it does not assert any ownership in the cultural rights over that knowledge or those expressions.
Recognition and maintenance
NAISDA acknowledges the communities and clans that it works with to develop its songs, dances and performances, recognising the right of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to be credited for the use of their culture.
NAISDA supports the right of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to benefit from the use of their culture. Fair payment and other benefits are made available to the people and communities that NAISDA works with to support cultural development and maintenance.
NAISDA acknowledges the following protocols that were used as references in the creation of this Protocol:
- Arts NSW Aboriginal Arts and Cultural Protocols
- Australia Council Protocols for Working with Indigenous Artists
- Sydney Opera House Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Protocols
The NAISDA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Protocol was developed with the assistance of Terri Janke and Company law firm. We also acknowledge the work of the NAISDA staff and Board Members who worked on this Protocol, including the work of Monica Stevens.
Please note that this website contains images of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have since passed away, including former students of NAISDA. We honour these people for their passion and commitment to NAISDA. NAISDA has been granted permission by the relevant families to use these images.
Please contact NAISDA if you have any questions in relation to photographs.