Supportive Learning Environment
As part of NAISDA’s commitment to a dynamic and supporting learning environment, NAISDA employs Developing Artists Support Officers (DASOs) who assist, guide and mentor Developing Artists in a range of support services, provide assistance with student life, for example can offer direction with ABSTUDY, and ensure a safe environment to discuss issues in a culturally appropriate and confident manner.
Developing Artist Support Officers work closely with students experiencing barriers to their dance training, such as family situations, health issues, financial hardship and accommodation challenges.
NAISDA support services include health and wellbeing support, onsite accommodation or accommodation for under 18 students in the College Homestay program, Language Literacy and Numeracy support and transport. NAISDA support services are underpinned by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander self-determination and wellbeing and include open forums for communication and discussion such as Yarn Time as well as the cultural practice of Men’s and Women’s Business.
The Developing Artist Support Team can help Developing and Practising Artists access external support and community service organisations providers on the Central Coast, linking in with other services available such as community programs and events.
These support services are available: