We’re proud to be running free Workshops in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Dance, sponsored by the City of Sydney. We’ll be running 1.5 hour workshops for primary and secondary school students from the inner Sydney region from 6-17 June 2016.
The workshops will be run by professional Indigenous dance practitioners, giving students the opportunity to learn new skills in a fun and collaborative environment and are FREE to schools thanks to the City of Sydney.
We are now accepting Expressions of Interest from schools to host a workshop (limit of two per school). 90 minute workshop slots are available in Weeks 7 and 8 of Term 2 (NSW school terms).
If you’re a school teacher or Principal in the Sydney area and are interested in finding out more about the free workshops, please contact Jasmine Gulash, Artistic Coordinator at NAISDA: j.gulash@naisda.com.au or (02) 4340 3114.