Yellamundie National First Peoples Playwriting Festival identifies, develops, and presents new First Peoples playwriting that displays potential for further development and/or production.
Since its inception in 2013, this biannual festival has developed 12 new scripts from beginner, mid-career and established playwrights from regional, remote and urban areas, 16 scripts in total have had public readings, with 7 scripts picked up for further creative development and 3 new works produced professionally.
Moogahlin Performing Arts is looking for 6 new scripts from across the continent to be developed as part of the 2017 Yellamundie National First Peoples Playwriting Festival. In 2017 the Festival program will expand to include international collaboration, exchange, and script readings with other First Peoples from Aotearoa (New Zealand) and Turtle Island (Canada), as well as public panel discussions, and opportunities for First Peoples dramaturges and producers to be involved.
• Writers may submit only one script
• Electronic (email) submissions only
• Scripts must not be previously or currently staged or commissioned
• Submissions only open to First Peoples of Australia (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander). Moogahlin Performing Arts does not require proof of identity, however reserves the right to request it at a later date.
Monday 4 July 2016: Applications open
Wednesday 31 August 2016: Applications close
Monday 26 September 2016: Successful applicants announced
Download the application form and guidelines from www.moogahlin.org or email info@moogahlin.org to request they be sent to you.
Applications must be submitted to info@moogahlin.org by 11.59pm Wednesday 31 August 2016 and include:
• The completed application form
• Your original play script. If you do not have a full script to send, you may send a scene/s or dialogue of at least ten (10) A4 pages.