This week we are excited to honour a very special member of the NAISDA family. Our wonderful Human Resources Coordinator Sue Gosson is celebrating 10 years of working at NAISDA!

Sue has made a significant contribution to NAISDA over her time with the organisation. We recently sat down with her to find out about her time with NAISDA and how the College has changed over the past decade. Here’s what she had to say.
I started work with NAISDA on June 25 2006, after being a special education teacher for many years I wanted to find out more about my culture.
NAISDA was located in The Rocks, Sydney within the Harbor Bridge and the studios and offices were cool and funky.
Over the past 10 years, I have moved with NAISDA through its physical location and transformation from Sydeny to the Central Coast, to the beautiful state of the art studios and spaces we have today.
I have also moved positions within the organisation from Receptionist, Executive Assistant and National Development Officer to my current role as Human Resource Coordinator.
My journey with NAISDA has been rewarding, emotional and I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting hundreds of Developing Artists and staff from areas and Communities throughout Australia!
Congratulations Sue! Our staff and Developing Artists celebrated this is an incredible milestone with a special presentation and gift ceremony.